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Last Updated:
1st May 2018

Credit Cards

Magenta TMagRas Delphi
Component Order Form

This form allows Delphi developers to license the source for the TMagRas component and then distribute applications using it. Once your payment has been processed, you will have access to the password protected page of this web site, from which the component source code may be downloaded.

All new licenses are for TMagRas version 6.  Anyone that ordered a license from January 2007 has been automatically upgraded to a version 6 license.  Licenses sold before January 2007 can be upgraded to version, see the Option Category selection.

This order form is on a secure web server, and your browser should be indicating a closed padlock symbol to confirm this. Checking the security credentials will confirm this URL is secured for Magenta Systems Ltd. Please also note that your credit card number is encrypted on the server, and never saved or printed in unencrypted format.

To receive access to TMagRas the same day, we recommend payment by credit or debit card. Otherwise, please complete this form with Payment Type as 'Cheque/Bank Transfer' (and optionally add your fax number in Comments) and you will be sent a pro forma invoice which includes our international bank account details so payment may be made by electronic funds transfer.

Email delivery address
Email Address
(required, please get it correct!!)
Registered user name and address
Full Name (required)
Name on
credit card
Company Name (optional)
Address 1 (required)
Address 2
Address 3
City/Town (required)
Post Code
Country (required)
Credit card holder or billing name and address, if different to registered details 
Your Name
Name on
credit card
Company Name
Address 1
Address 2
Address 3
County or State
Post Code or Zip Code
Telephone (required for credit card confirmation)
(New or Upgrade)
In March 2018, £100 is about US$140 depending on the daily conversion rate used by your credit/debit card company from UK sterling to dollars.  In Europe, £100 is about 112 euros.  Please beware exchange rates are volatile at the moment going up and down daily. VAT is only charged for UK orders.  
(min 4, max 12 characters, no symbols)
Password   (enter it twice, min 4, max 8 characters, no symbols)
Update Notification do you want to hear when this site is updated?
Payment Type
Credit or debit card number
(the large numbers on the card)
MasterCard, VISA/Delta, American Express.
Expiry Date
(MM/YY, ie 12/19, credit/debit card users must complete this date)
Issuing Bank
(Not the card type,
(The name of the bank that issued the card, the issue country)
Security Code
  (Mastercard/VISA, the 3 digit code printed at the end of the signature strip on the back of the card. Amex, the four digit code printed on the front above the embossed card number)
VAT Number
(if in Europe)

(not needed for UK companies, only other EU countries)
Debit Amount I authorise the debit of my card for the amount (or cheque or bank transfer value)
£ (same as Category box above, required)

(It would be useful to know where you heard about this component
and your application for it)


If you have trouble completing or submitting the form, please Email Magenta Systems to report a problem.

Cost in the UK must have VAT at 20% added. Companies in the European Union should quote their VAT number otherwise VAT must be charged. Countries outside the EU will not be charged VAT.

Cheques should be made out to "Magenta Systems Ltd" and sent to
Magenta Systems Ltd, 9 Vincent Road, Croydon CR0 6ED, United Kingdom.

Whether you pay by credit/debit card or cheque, you will receive a tax invoice in the post shortly after your order is processed (and also the credit/debit card receipt).

Your Internet host details are automatically captured by this form for security purposes.

User Address: (

Magenta Systems Ltd, 9 Vincent Road, Croydon CR0 6ED, United Kingdom
Phone 020 8656 3636, International Phone +44 20 8656 3636
Copyright © 2025 Magenta Systems Ltd, England. All Rights Reserved.