Magenta Document Conversions
Wang to PC Document Migration
- Two way WP and WP Plus document
transfer and conversion between VS, OIS and Alliance; and
PC formats.
- Converts single or multiple documents
or single or multiple entire libraries.
- All major PC document types supported,
with near perfect conversion of all Wang formatting.
- Familiar VS keyboard conventions,
access from standard WP/WP Plus menus and on-line help.
- Up to 32 document libraries can be
selected and processed without intervention.
- PC to PC Conversion from a Windows
application including Wang archive disks
- High speed - over 20MB of documents
per hour (Pentium PC).
Who needs it?
- Anyone using both VS and PC based word
processing or migrating from one to the other.
- VS sites needing to import documents
from, or export them to, PC sites.
- Anyone who needs to convert between
different PC word processing formats.
- Anyone needing VS WP Plus "# PC
WP Plus transfer without WSN/IWScore/LightSpeed.
- User friendly simplicity coupled with
comprehensive functionality; minimal training is needed.
- Provides time saving and cost
effective solutions with the maximum automation.
- No intermediate diskettes; no
additional hardware or software (just a PC workstation).
Document formats supported on the VS
- Wang Word Processing
- WPS Archive Diskettes
- Wang WP Plus
Document formats supported on the PC
- Wang: PC WP Plus
- Wang PC Integrated WP
- Wang WPS (and unchanged WP for later
- Wang WPS / WP Plus / Alliance Archive
Diskettes (5in and 3½in)
- Word for Windows 2.x, 6.x, 7.x and
Word for Macintosh 4.x, 5.x
- WordPerfect 5.x, 6.x and WordPerfect
for Macintosh 1.x, 2.x
- IBM Revisable DCA (Displaywrite)
- Lotus Ami Pro
- Microsoft Word 3.0 and Write
- MicroPro WordStar
- Multimate 3.0, 4.0
- Office Writer 5.0, 6.0
Features - VS, OIS and Alliance Version
- Single step transfer and conversion
controlled from the VS; PC experience is not needed.
- Initiated from the normal WP Plus
'Document Conversions' or WP 'Other Utilities' menus.
- Selection of one or more individual
documents or one or more whole libraries.
- WP documents may be converted from WPS
archive diskettes, without needing retrieval.
- Individual WP document selection (from
system or archive diskette) is: From special library
indexes, incorporating a document view facility; or Only
those with (or without) specified Document Summary text;
or a date range.
- WP Plus document selection is from the
document index, with normal search and sort options.
- PC directories/paths can be indexed on
the VS for selection; file selection is from the
- PC file names (which can include the
WP/WP Plus ID) and file extensions can be automatic.
- New PC directories can be created from
the VS.
- A new PC directory, with the library
name, can be automatic for each WP or WP Plus library.
- The Document Summary (or equivalent,
if any) is copied, if permitted by the PC format.
- The PC file name is added to the
Document Summary on conversion to VS WP or WP Plus.
- If the PC file name includes a 4 digit
number, this can be used as the ID of the new WP
- A log is kept during conversion; this
may be viewed and/or printed upon completion.
- Logs may be retained for later viewing
or printing.
- WP Plus fonts (including line drawing,
scientific symbols and Dingbats) and most styles are
converted (if permitted by the PC format).
- Special printer codes (PCL, ACS and
Prescribe) can be removed during conversion.
- WP font selection is by reference to
the last printer used or defaulted to 10, 12, 15 pitch
- A page length may be specified to
ensure correct paper size selection in the PC format.
- Comments field of the WP or WP Plus
document can record the copying (e.g. with the date).
- The copying can be recorded
automatically (with the date) on the Comments line of the
- Integration with PC document managers
is possible via a user defined command line allowing a PC
program/batch file to be run after each document is
converted or at the end of the session.
- Network destinations, including
Macintosh clients, are generally possible, subject to the
Features - Windows Version
- Multiple conversion between all PC
formats, without needing a VS.
- Converts from Wang WPS / WP Plus /
Alliance archive diskettes (5in or 3½in)
- Also copies files (such as List
Processing) from OIS diskettes, without interpretation
- All defaults set in initialisation
file, for ease of repeated use.
- A VS, OIS or Alliance system and a PC
workstation with WLOC connection.
- Minimum O/S: VS: 7.13 with VS/IIS WP
4.60.22; OIS: 9.92; Alliance: 5.9; PC: MS-DOS 3.20.
- For Windows version, minimum Windows
- WPS archive diskettes are not
supported on VS-5/6/75/5000/6000 central drives;
- PC: any industry-standard (not IBM MC
or XT), with 640K memory.
- The software requires about 300K of
disk space on the VS and up to 4MB on the PC.
- Some formats convert more completely
than others so that, particularly with complex documents,
some subsequent clean-up may be needed.
- The VS license is per system; any
number of PCs on the system can use it concurrently.
- The Windows version is available for
standalone use, or as an add-on to the WP or WP Plus
version - both are licenced per PC.
- There are three versions, determined
by the type of documents handled on the VS: 1. WP only.
2. WP Plus only. 3. Combined WP and WP Plus.
- References to VS include OIS and
Alliance, unless otherwise indicated.
See Price List