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v2.0 - 2 Feb 2022 (5,139,853 bytes)
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Magenta Hardware Components is a set of six main components for Delphi
2007 to Delphi 11.0 and later, as follows:
- Magenta Serial Port Detection Component
which contains serial COM port enumeration functions, using several
methods which can identify different ports depending on how they are
installed, all are combined and a sorted array returned with friendly
names and install information.
- Magenta Hardware Events Component
that listens for Windows hardware event messages and calls events
handlers for device changes such as serial ports, disk volume changes,
low disk space events and power events.
- Directory Changes Monitoring Component,
that notifies changes in a directory such as file or directory
- Magenta GPS and Location Component is
designed to process GPS location data from various sources with an event
triggered when movement is detected. GPS sources supported include
Windows Location API, NMEA 0183 sentences, GT02 GPS Tracker Protocol,
TK102/103 Tracker Protocol and WondeX/TK5000 Tracker Protocol. Sample
shows movement track on a Google map.
- Magenta Firewall Component has
functions to search and list selected Windows Defender Firewall rules
and settings, and to add and remove such rules. There is also some code
that may be used in Inno Setup scripts to set-up firewall rules during
application installation.
- Magenta Check Disk and Format Disk
Component used to format fixed or removable disk drives and
perform disk checks on Windows NT4 and later.
Sample Applications
There are four sample applications to test and demonstrate the various
components, with binaries included in the distribution, built with Delphi
11.0 and tested on Windows 11.
- signals.dpr, signmain.pas/dfm test the
TSerialPorts component in MagSerPorts.pas, the THardwareEvents component
in MagHardwareEvents.pas, and the TDirChange component in
MagDirChange.pas. It needs the Async Pro serial port component to be
installed from or GetIt to open serial ports.
- sensortest.dpr, sensormain.pas/dfm,
sensormap/sensoredgemap.pas/dfm test the TMagGpsLoc component in
MagGpsLoc.pas, it needs Async Pro (see above) to access serial port
devices and Internet Component Suite (ICS) from: to access
TCP/IP and UDP/IP devices. There are map units for MSIE or Edge (Delphi
10.4 and later).
- firewalltest.dpr, firewallmain.pas/dfm
test functions in MagFirewall.pas which uses COM Automation.
- diskfmt.dpr, fmtmain.pas/dfm test the
TMagFmtChkDsk component in MagFmtDisk.pas.
Magenta Serial Port Detection Component
This unit contains serial COM port enumeration functions, using several
methods which can identify different ports depending on how they are
installed, all are combined and a sorted array returned with friendly names
and install information.
The EnumSerialPortsEx function does the following, in order:
- Enumerate Device Installation Class 'Ports' which finds most
serial ports including USB
- Optionally add Disabled 'Ports' (hardware not currently
- Enumerate Device Installation Class 'CNCPorts' (used by
com0com serial port emulator)
- Enumerate Device Installation Class 'Modem' which finds USB
and internal modems
The function returns a dynamic array of records:
TSerialPort = record ComName: string ; NumPort: string ;
IntName: string ; FriendlyName: string ; Desc: string ;
Manufacturer: string ; HardwareId: string ; Location: string ;
StatInfo: string ; Enabled: boolean ; end;
The array contains the COM port name, friendly Windows description,
manufacturer name, internal name from registry, hardware ID, location and
whether the port is enabled (USB ports may be installed but unplugged). Note
this information may be filled in different ways by different hardware
vendors for different classes. For example on one development PC:
COM1, Enabled=Y, Communications Port (COM1), (Standard port types),
Serial0, ACPI\PNP0501, COM3, Enabled=N, Prolific USB-to-Serial Comm Port
(COM3), Prolific, , USB\VID_067B&PID_2303&REV_0400, Port_#0001.Hub_#0003
COM4, Enabled=Y, HHD Software Virtual Serial Port (COM4), HHD Software Ltd.,
0000005e, HHDVIRT\HHDVySer, COM5, Enabled=Y, HHD Software Virtual Serial
Port (COM5), HHD Software Ltd., 0000005f, HHDVIRT\HHDVySer, COM6,
Enabled=Y, HHD Software Virtual Serial Port (COM6), HHD Software Ltd.,
00000060, HHDVIRT\HHDVySer, COM11, Enabled=Y, D-Link DU-562M External
Modem, CXT, Winachsf0, USB\VID_0572&PID_1300&REV_0100, Port_#0007.Hub_#0004
COM12, Enabled=Y, Enhanced Communication Port (COM12), Oxford Semiconductor,
OXMF0, OXMF\*PNP0501, oxmf bus, port 0 COM13, Enabled=Y, Enhanced
Communication Port (COM13), Oxford Semiconductor, OXMF3, OXMF\*PNP0501, oxmf
bus, port 3 COM14, Enabled=Y, Enhanced Communication Port (COM14), Oxford
Semiconductor, OXMF2, OXMF\*PNP0501, oxmf bus, port 2 COM15, Enabled=Y,
Enhanced Communication Port (COM15), Oxford Semiconductor, OXMF1,
OXMF\*PNP0501, oxmf bus, port 1 COM16, Enabled=Y, Enhanced Communication
Port (COM16), Oxford Semiconductor, OXMF6, OXMF\*PNP0501, oxmf bus, port 2
COM17, Enabled=Y, Enhanced Communication Port (COM17), Oxford Semiconductor,
OXMF5, OXMF\*PNP0501, oxmf bus, port 1 COM18, Enabled=Y, Enhanced
Communication Port (COM18), Oxford Semiconductor, OXMF4, OXMF\*PNP0501, oxmf
bus, port 0 COM19, Enabled=Y, Enhanced Communication Port (COM19), Oxford
Semiconductor, OXMF7, OXMF\*PNP0501, oxmf bus, port 3 COM20, Enabled=Y,
Prolific USB-to-Serial Comm Port (COM20), Prolific, ProlificSerial1,
USB\VID_067B&PID_2303&REV_0400, Port_#0002.Hub_#0003 COM24, Enabled=Y,
Standard Serial over Bluetooth link (COM24), Microsoft, BthModem0,
COM26, Enabled=Y, USB Serial Port (COM26), FTDI, VCP0,
(COM27),, , USB\VID_1A86&PID_7523&REV_0254, Port_#0001.Hub_#0003
COM31, Enabled=N, Prolific USB-to-Serial Comm Port (COM31), Prolific, ,
USB\VID_067B&PID_2303&REV_0400, Port_#0003.Hub_#0006 COM32, Enabled=Y,
Prolific USB-to-Serial Comm Port (COM32), Prolific, ProlificSerial0,
USB\VID_067B&PID_2303&REV_0400, Port_#0003.Hub_#0005 CNCA0, Enabled=Y,
com0com - serial port emulator (CNCA0), Vyacheslav Frolov, com0com10,
com0com\port, CNCA0 CNCB0, Enabled=Y, com0com - serial port emulator
(CNCB0), Vyacheslav Frolov, com0com20, com0com\port, CNCB0
On this PC, COM3 to COM10 were originally another 8-way serial card since
removed which is the reason for the missing numbers. For the 8-way card, the
internal name correctly describes the labelled ports (0 to 7) which the
location fails to do. Note some virtual ports are installed with alphabetic
names, ie CNCA0.
On a newer PC under Windows 11 (note needs Prolific WDF WHQL Driver:
COM1, Enabled=Y, Communications Port (COM1), (Standard port types),
Serial0, ACPI\VEN_PNP&DEV_0501, COM2, Enabled=Y, PCIe to High Speed
Serial Port (COM2), ASIX Electronics Corporation, StnSerial0,
MCS9950MF\STN_CASCADE_COM, COM3, Enabled=Y, PCIe to High Speed Serial
Port (COM3), ASIX Electronics Corporation, StnSerial1,
MCS9950MF\STN_CASCADE_COM, COM4, Enabled=Y, Prolific USB-to-Serial Comm
Port (COM4), Prolific, ProlificSerial0, USB\VID_067B&PID_2303&REV_0400,
Port_#0004.Hub_#0007 COM5, Enabled=Y, Prolific USB-to-Serial Comm Port
(COM5), Prolific, ProlificSerial1, USB\VID_067B&PID_2303&REV_0400,
Port_#0001.Hub_#0007 COM6, Enabled=Y, Conexant USB CX93010 ACF Modem,
Conexant, USBSER000, USB\VID_0572&PID_1329&REV_0100, Port_#0007.Hub_#0001
COM7, Enabled=Y, USB Serial Device (COM7), Microsoft, USBSER000,
USB\VID_1546&PID_01A8&REV_0201, Port_#0002.Hub_#0007
Note some USB ports are unplugged, but have fixed COM numbers if
replugged into the same USB port. The lists above were created using the
function ReportSerialPorts passing the SerialPorts array.
Note this unit needs three Jedi jwapi header files: setupapi, Cfg,
CfgMgr32, which are included.
Magenta Hardware Events Component
This unit contains the THardwareEvents component that listens for Windows
hardware event messages and calls events handlers for device changes such as
serial ports, disk volume changes, low disk space events and, power events.
THardwareEvents is installable, and has events onLogEvent (Device
Hardware Event below), onComPortEvent, onVolumeEvent, onLowSpaceEvent,
onPowerEvent and onRawEvent (Device Change Message below). Power events
return PBT_xx values for suspend, resume, battery low, etc. Note the
component starts monitoring as soon as it is created.
Device Change Message, event=0x8004, data=0x007A1828 Device Hardware
Event: devicetype=5 Device Change Message, event=0x8004, data=0x007AC960
Old Serial Port Removed: COM5 Device Hardware Event: Old Serial Port
Removed: COM5 Device Change Message, event=0x0007, data=0x00000000
Device Change Message, event=0x8000, data=0x0078EF00 Device Hardware
Event: devicetype=5 Device Change Message, event=0x8000, data=0x0078EC68
New Serial Port Arrived: COM5 Device Hardware Event: New Serial Port
Installed: COM5 Device Change Message, event=0x0007, data=0x00000000
Device Change Message, event=0x8000, data=0x0079E260 Device Hardware
Event: devicetype=5 Device Change Message, event=0x0007, data=0x00000000
Device Change Message, event=0x8000, data=0x0009E3C0 New Disk Arrived,
Volume: I Device Hardware Event: Disk Change - New Disk Volume Installed:
I Device Change Message, event=0x0007, data=0x00000000
Directory Changes Monitoring Component
This is an updated version of the DirMon component created by Damien
Thouvenin, phaeteon and LoLa 20 years ago, updated for unicode compilers. It
uses the ReadDirectoryChanges Windows API to detect file and directory
changes on a specified volume or directory, optionally in
TDirChange is installable, with OnCreated, OnDeleted, OnModified and
OnRenamed events that fire for file or directory changes. Before setting the
component Active, set the Path to be monitored, then WatchTree and
optionally WatchFilters for the type of events to be monitored, see Signals
sample. Note the component runs a thread internally, and events are called
from that thread.
DirChanged: Modified: ProgramData\Magenta-Systems\ComCap5\comcap5.current
DirChanged: Modified: Windows\Prefetch\
DirChanged: Modified:
DirChanged: Modified:
Magenta GPS and Location Component
The TMagGpsLoc component is designed to process GPS location data from
various sources with an event triggered when movement is detected.
Sources supported are:
- Windows Location API, available on most Windows tablets and
higher end laptops with a GPS sensor.
- NMEA 0183 sentences commonly generated by GPS receivers, these
are text lines starting with $. NMEA 0183 sentences processed are: GGA,
GSA, GSV, RMC, GLL and VTG, others are ignored.
- GT02 GPS Tracker Protocol, used by Concox TR02 vehicle
trackers that combine GPS, GPRS and GSM is a small 12V driven package
designed for mounting in vehicles.
- TK102/103 Tracker Protocol, essentially the NMEA RMC sentence,
preceded by date/time and mobile number, followed by useful stuff from
other NMEA sentences like satellite count, mobile IMEI and cell station
- WondeX/TK5000 Tracker Protocol used by VT-10, VT300 and other
devices is a simple format with IMEI, time, co-ordinates, speed and
Further description and samples of these protocols will be found in the
functions that decode them.
Some of these GPS protocols are also generated by Android and iOS mobile
apps for location tracking.
There is a sample application Sensortest that provides serial UDP and TCP
Server support for NMEA 0183 sentences, and TCP Server for all the other
protocols, showing position and movement on a Google map.
Most testing was with a GlobalSat BU-353-S4 USB GPS Receiver a two inch
diameter device with a roof magnet that presents as a Prolific serial port
(a version with a real serial connector is also available), a DIYmalls
VK-162 USB GPS/Glonass Dongle using an eighth generation U-Blox module, and
the Concox TR02 vehicle tracker.
Also tested were a battery operated GlobalSat BT-359 Bluetooth CoPilot
GPS device (but Bluetooth serial ports are not always very reliable) and
NMEA 0183 streaming from Android tablets and phones. GlobalSat, DIYmalls and
TK102/103 devices are available from Amazon. Android GPSd Forwarder is
available in the Play store and sends raw NMEA packets to a UDP server (no
TMagGpsLoc is installable, with OnLocationChange and OnStatusChange
events triggered for movement and sensor changes. To use the component, set
property GpsType to sensor type: GpsTypeLocApi, GpsTypeNMEA, GpsTypeGT02,
GpsTypeTK10X, GpsTypeWondeX, and set Active true. Then start passing sensor
data to the SetRecvData method as an ASCII string. The component tries to
interpret the packet setting Latitude, Longitude and Altitude properties,
and many other properties depending on the sensor. There is a GetDistance
function to get metres between two lat/longs. For NMEA, the GetNmeaInfo
method will list all the GPS, Glonass and Galileo satellites seen by the
sensor (if supported).
Satellites in View = 28 Satellites Used = 21 True Heading = 193
Magnetic Heading = 3.1 Error Radius = 0.7 Geoidal Separation = 47m
PDOP = 1 HDOP = 0.7 VDOP = 0.7 Constellation: GPS Satellite 10,
Azimuth 293, Elevation 27, S/N 21, Fix Satellite 12, Azimuth 212,
Elevation 38, S/N 23, Fix Satellite 13, Azimuth 142, Elevation 22, S/N
31, Fix Satellite 14, Azimuth 49, Elevation 9, S/N 16, Fix Satellite
15, Azimuth 171, Elevation 44, S/N 26, Fix Satellite 17, Azimuth 61,
Elevation 30, S/N 26, Fix Satellite 19, Azimuth 91, Elevation 33, S/N 28,
Fix Satellite 23, Azimuth 254, Elevation 26, S/N 19, Fix Satellite 24,
Azimuth 289, Elevation 78, S/N 20, Fix Satellite 32, Azimuth 314,
Elevation 3, S/N 14 Satellite 1, Azimuth 18, Elevation 3, S/N 0
Satellite 21, Azimuth 352, Elevation 1, S/N 0 Satellite 25, Azimuth 223,
Elevation 4, S/N 0 Constellation: Glonass Satellite 73, Azimuth 251,
Elevation 19, S/N 14, Fix Satellite 79, Azimuth 52, Elevation 42, S/N 22,
Fix Satellite 69, Azimuth 178, Elevation 20, S/N 25, Fix Satellite 81,
Azimuth 80, Elevation 18, S/N 28, Fix Satellite 71, Azimuth 322,
Elevation 31, S/N 14 Satellite 70, Azimuth 250, Elevation 61, S/N 0
Satellite 88, Azimuth 26, Elevation 18, S/N 0 Constellation: Galileo
Satellite 2, Azimuth 54, Elevation 14, S/N 20, Fix Satellite 7, Azimuth
178, Elevation 51, S/N 27, Fix Satellite 8, Azimuth 151, Elevation 6, S/N
16, Fix Satellite 27, Azimuth 224, Elevation 52, S/N 21, Fix Satellite
30, Azimuth 66, Elevation 65, S/N 26, Fix Satellite 11, Azimuth 2,
Elevation 5, S/N 0 Satellite 19, Azimuth 314, Elevation 17, S/N 0
Satellite 21, Azimuth 230, Elevation 2, S/N 0
The sensortest
application reports positions:
Latitude 51.38318, Longitude -0.08601,
Altitude 64m, Speed 0, Course 0, ID , PackSer 0, Time 26/01/2022 18:10:50
GB Eastings 533,289, GB Northings 166,640
and will also show raw data
from the sensor:
Clicking the Map button displays a window with a Google map on which
position changes are plotted with markers. The original unit sensormap.pas
uses the TWebBrowser component which uses the Internet Explorer engine.
Unfortunately Microsoft has removed Internet Explorer from Windows 11 so map
display is more problematic, currently it still works but Google displays a
warning about using non-supported browser and plans to remove support for
MSIE in August 2022. Delphi 10.4 and later has a new TEdgeBrowser component
that is used by the sensoredgemap.pas unit which should be used instead of
sensormap.pas, it is easier to use than TWebBrowser.
The sensortest application requires the Async Pro serial RS232 library to
access GPS devices with serial output, and the Internet Component Suite
library for TCP devices
The MagGpsConv unit includes functions to convert World Geodetic System
WGS84 longitude and latitude in degrees (as double) into the British
Ordnance Survey National Grid reference system of eastings and northings in
metres, within a box covering Great Britain, zeros being the south west
Magenta Firewall Component
Magenta Firewall Component has functions to search and list selected
Windows Defender Firewall rules and settings, and to add and remove such
rules. Note only administrators can add rules.
Currently, only rules enabling inbound access for an application with all
protocols, addresses and ports are added, adding more precise rules needs
more parameters to be passed and handled.
The TMagFireWall unit uses COM Automation, so the application should call
CoInitialize(nil); before calling any functions, and CoUninitialize; after,
however Windows 10 seems to work without these.
The function MagFireWallAppsEnum lists all application files that are
allowed through the firewall. New apps are added with MagFireWallRulesAdd
and can be removed by MagFireWallRulesAdd.
Application Name: OverbyteIcsIpStmLogTst Application Path:
C:\delpcomp\ics\samples\delphi\sslinternet\overbyteicsipstmlogtst.exe IP
Version: Any Scope: All RemoteAddresses: * Application Enabled:
Similarly, function MagFireWallServEnum lists rules for Windows
Service Name: Remote Desktop Type: Remote Desktop IP
Version: Any Scope: All RemoteAddresses: * Service Enabled: True
Customized: False
Function MagFireWallRulesEnum lists firewall
settings, which profiles are active, and lists all built-in rules for
Rule Group: @FirewallAPI.dll,-32752 Rule Name: Network
Discovery (SSDP-In) Description: Inbound rule for Network Discovery to
allow use of the Simple Service Discovery Protocol. [UDP 1900]
Application Name: C:\WINDOWS\system32\svchost.exe Service Name: Ssdpsrv
IP Protocol: UDP Local Ports: 1900 Remote Ports: * LocalAddresses:
* RemoteAddresses: LocalSubnet Direction: In Rule Enabled: False
Edge Traversal: False Profile: Domain Rule Action: Allow Interface
Types: All
The MagFireWall unit also has Inno Setup scripts code (commented out)
that may be used during application installation to add rules, specifically
the procedure MagFireWallRulesAdd. Generally, an application creates a rule
for itself allowing internet access for itself during installation, since
setup runs at administrator level.
Magenta Check Disk and Format Disk component
Check Disk and Format Disk Component is a Delphi wrapper around the Windows APIs exported by fmifs.dll, which are used to
format fixed or removable disk drives and perform disk checks on Windows NT4 and later. It supports any local disk drive that
has been assigned a drive letter by Windows, just like the normal format and check disk tools in Windows.
The component may be used to format disks which are not currently in-use, and to verify the file system on any drives, but only
fix it on drives that are not in-use. It may be useful for preparing removable backup drives.
Supports exFAT for massive drives, if supported by the OS.
These fmifs.dll APIs are undocumented by Microsoft, but were reverse engineering by System Internals. The component is is based
on the command line Chkdskx and Formatx applications by Mark Russinovich available from
Please note that the fmifs.dll APIs are different from most other Windows APIs and are intended to be interactive with the user,
rather than passively accepting input and providing simple output. Specifically, they return progress information that is
normally seen in a Windows dialog or in a command line window, showing the steps being taken and reporting any errors or
corruption found. This component attempts to parse the messages and provide simple return information. A demo program
illustrates the use of all the functions.
Example progress doing Check Disk of a USB key. Note this varies depending on the file system type, and whether any errors are
Starting Check Disk for H:
H:\ Volume Label: USBH, File System: NTFS
Volume label is USBH.
CHKDSK is verifying files (stage 1 of 3)...
File verification completed.
CHKDSK is verifying indexes (stage 2 of 3)...
Index verification completed.
CHKDSK is verifying security descriptors (stage 3 of 3)...
Security descriptor verification completed.
Windows has checked the file system and found no problems.
253167 KB total disk space.
4 KB in 8 indexes.
0 KB in bad sectors.
3042 KB in use by the system.
2544 KB occupied by the log file.
250121 KB available on disk.
512 bytes in each allocation unit.
506335 total allocation units on disk.
500243 allocation units available on disk.
Check Disk: Finished OK
Example progress formatting a USB key.
Starting Format Disk for H:
H:\ Checking Existing Drive Format
H:\ Volume Label: USBH, File System: NTFS
H:\ Starting to Format Drive
Format Disk: Structure Created OK
Format Disk: Finished OK
H:\ Checking New Drive Format
H:\ Volume Label: USBKEY, File System: NTFS
H:\ New Volume Space: 256124416
Release Notes
2nd February 2022 - 2.0 - first public release.
Copyright Information
Magenta Hardware Components are freeware, but are still copyrighted by
Magenta Systems Ltd who may change the status or withdraw it at any time,
without notice.
Magenta Systems Ltd, 9 Vincent Road,
Croydon CR0 6ED, United Kingdom
Phone 020 8656 3636, International Phone +44 20 8656 3636
Copyright © 2025 Magenta Systems Ltd, England. All Rights Reserved.